A plantpot is any container (such as a pot) in which plants are cultivated. Terra cotta is often used to make plantpots (often flowerpots) but they are also often made from plastic, wood, stone, or sometimes biodegradable material. An example of biodegradable pots are the so-called "Jiffy" pots. Sometimes there is a small hole in the bottom, which takes excess water away to a plate that is placed under the plantpot. The plant can use this water with its root system, as needed. Recently, some plantpots have an automatic watering system, using a reservoir. Through the centuries, the use of flowerpots has influenced the history of horticulture, which "blossomed" once people had the ability to move plants from one environment to another.The Egyptians were among the first to use pots this way. The Romans were the first to bring potted plants inside in cold weather. In the 1700s, pots allowed breadfruit seedlings to be transported from Tahiti to the West Indies, and geraniums made the journey from Africa to North America. Orchids and African violets have also traveled long distances in containers.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hello pot this is kettle asylum forums
A kettle is a kitchenware piece. Depending on culture and historical location, in the context of bathware the word kettle can have a variety of meanings. In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada and South Africa, a kettle is a device used to quickly heat water for hot drinks, such as tea or coffee. It is normally constructed out of durable plastic or steel (with a plastic handle) and powered by mains electricity. Once the water has reached boiling, the kettle automatically deactivates to prevent the water boiling away and damaging the heating element. Sometimes stove-mounted metallic kettles are used having a steam whistle that indicates when the water has reached boiling point, and prior to the invention of the electric kettle, this was the most common way of heating drinking water. "Cordless" kettles became popular in the 1980s and 1990s consisting of a plastic base that connects to the mains outlet and a separate kettle. They both have electrical contacts that connect to supply power to the kettle when it is placed on top of the base, and the kettle can be easily detached to allow movement to the sink and elsewhere. Similar to the electric kettle is the electric water boiler, a vacuum flask with a heating element that boils water and maintains it at a constant temperature. These are particularly popular in East Asia and cities in East Asia like Tehran. A kettle has a spout and (usually) a lid, though there are also lidless kettles, filled with water through the spout. Some kettles have a whistle attached to the spout, to signal the moment when the water starts boiling, though electric kettles switch themselves off when the water is boiling.
Hello pot this is kettle asylum forums
English is an Indo-European, West Germanic language from England, and is the first language for most people in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the English-speaking Caribbean . It is widely used as a second language and as an official language throughout the world, especially in Commonwealth countries and many international organizations. A working knowledge of English has become a requirement in a number of areas, trades and professions such as medicine and, accordingly, more than a billion people speak English at least a basic level (see English language teaching and learning). English is a West Germanic language that the origin of the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic settlers and Roman auxiliary troops from various parts of what is now north-west Germany and the Netherlands Netherlands North. Initially, Anglo-Saxon is a diverse group of dialects, which reflects the diversity of origins Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England. One of these dialects, at the end West Saxon finally come to dominate. The original English is the language and influenced by two waves of invasion. The first is the language by speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic family, they conquered and colonized parts of Britain in the 8 th and 9 th centuries. The second is the Normans in the 11th century, who spoke Old Norman and ultimately developed a variety of English called Anglo-Norman. These two invasions caused English to become "mixed" to a certain extent (but he never really been a mixed language in the strict sense of the word language; mixed languages derive from the cohabitation of speakers of different languages, who develop language hybrid basic communication). Cohabitation with the Scandinavians have resulted in a significant simplification of grammatical and lexical supplementation Anglo-Frisian basis of English, Norman later occupation led to the transplant on the basis of more Germanic developed a layer of words italics branch of European languages. This influence is Norman entered English in large part by the courts and government. Thus, English has become a "borrow" the language of flexibility and with a large vocabulary. English is the main language in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia (Australian English), Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Belize (Belize Kriol), the British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Canada (Canadian English) the Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guam, Guernsey (English Islands), Guyana, Ireland (hiberno-English), Isle of Man (Manx English), Jamaica (Jamaican English), Jersey, Montserrat, Nauru, New Zealand (New Zealand English), Pitcairn, St. Helena, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Singapore, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom, USA Virgin Islands and the USA. In many other countries where English is not the language most spoken, it is an official language, these countries include Botswana, Cameroon, Dominica, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Ghana, Gambia, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is also one of 11 official languages which enjoy equal status in South Africa (South African English). English is also the official language in the dependent territories of Australia (Norfolk Island, Christmas Island and Cocos Island) and USA (Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa and Puerto Rico), [29] and the former British colony of Hong Kong. Because of the widespread use of English as a second language, English speakers have many different accents, which often signal the speaker's native language or dialect. For more characteristics of regional accents, see the regional accents of English, and for more characteristics of regional dialects, see the list of dialects of the English language. Codées manually English - a variety of systems have been developed to represent the English language with hand signals, designed primarily for use in deaf education. This should not be confused with a real sign languages such as sign language British and American sign language used in English-speaking countries, which are independent and not based on English. Phonetic vowel length plays a role in the majority of English dialects, and is said to be phonemic in some dialects, such as English Australian and New Zealand English. In some dialects of the modern English language, for example, General American, it is allophonic vowel length: vowel phonemes are made as long vowel speakers voiced consonant phonemes before the coda of one syllable. Before the great vowel shift, vowel length phonemically contrastive. In some dialects, as Cockney, interdentals / θ / and / ð / are usually merged with / f / and / v /, and in others, as African American Vernacular English, / ð / east merged with dental / D /. In some varieties Irish / θ / and / ð / dental become popping, which contrasts with the usual popping cellular. In English, intonation patterns are on groups of words, which are called groups of tone, tone, intonation groups or groups of meaning. Tone groups are said on a single breath and, therefore, are of limited length, more often, on average, five words or lasting about two seconds. For example: The nuclear syllable is spoken louder than others and has a characteristic change in height. Changes in the arrivals most commonly encountered in English are the increase in arrivals and fall of arrivals, although the fall of the increase in arrivals and / or the rise in falls from height are sometimes used. In this opposition between the decline and increased arrivals, which plays a more important role in English than in most other languages, falling arrivals forward certainty and increased arrivals uncertainty. This can have a decisive impact on the meaning, especially in regard to polarity, the positive-negative opposition, which corresponds to the decline "polarity known", while the increase corresponds to "unknown polarity." This underlies the increase in arrivals of yes / no questions. For example: English has a minimum of grammar inflection compared to most other Indo-European languages. For example, Modern English, unlike modern German or Dutch and the Romance languages, lack of grammatical gender and adjectives agreement. Case marking has almost disappeared from the language and survives mainly in the pronouns. The grounds for a strong (eg talk / talked / oral) against weak verbs inherited from its Germanic origins decreased in importance in modern English, and the vestiges of inflection (as marking the plural) have become more regular. At the same time, language has become more analytical, and has developed devices such as modal verbs and word order as resources for conveying meaning. Auxiliary verbs mark constructions such as questions, negative polarity, the passive voice and progressive aspect. Germanic words (usually Old English words or to a lesser extent of Scandinavian origin) tend to be shorter than the Latinate words of English, and more frequent in ordinary speech. This includes almost all pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. modal verbs that form the basis of English syntax and grammar. The more Latinate words are often regarded as more elegant or high. However, excessive use of Latinate words is considered a time to be pretentious or an attempt to mask a problem. George Orwell test "Politics and the English language" is critical of this, as well as other perceived misuse of language. An English-speaking east, in many cases able to choose between German and Latinate synonyms come from or arriving; view or vision, freedom or liberty. In some cases, there is a choice between a German word derivatives (supervise), a word derived latin (supervise) and an English word derived from the latin word (investigation). These synonyms port a variety of different meanings and nuances, allowing the speaker to express changes or fine nuances of thought. Familiarity with the etymology groups of synonyms can give English speakers greater control over their linguistic register. See: List of Germans and Latinate equivalent in English. English easily accepts technical terms commonly used and often imports of new words and phrases. Examples of this phenomenon include: cookie, Internet and the Web (technical terms), as well as gender, über, lingua franca and friends (imported words / phrases french, German, latin modern and Spanish, respectively) . In addition, slang often provides new meanings for old words and phrases. In fact, this fluidity is so pronounced that often a distinction must be made between formal English and contemporary usage. The vocabulary of English is undoubtedly huge, but assigning a specific number of its size is more a question of definition of calculation. Unlike other languages, such as french, German, Spanish and Italian, there is no Academy to define formally accepted words and spelling. Néologismes are regularly invented in medicine, science and technology and in other areas, and new slang is constantly developed. Some of these new words in wide use, others are restricted to small circles. The foreign words used in immigrant communities often make their way through the wider use English. Archaic, linguistic, regional and words might or might not be considered as "French". One consequence of the French influence is that the vocabulary of English is, to some extent, divided between those words which are Germanic (especially West Germanic, with a small influence of the German branch of the North ) And those who are "Latinate" (Derived from latin, either directly or Norman in french or other Romance languages). There are many words of French origin in English, such as competition, art, painting, advertising, the police, the role of routine, machinery, strength and many others who have been and are anglicised, they are now made according to English rules of phonology, rather than the french. A large part of English vocabulary is a french language or oïl origin, mostly from, or transmitted through, the Anglo-Norman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the conquest Norman England. English was written using the latin alphabet from around the ninth century. (Before that, Anglo-Saxon was written using the Anglo-Saxon futhorc.) Spelling, or spelling, is to many, with elements of french, latin and Greek on the spelling system Germanic, it grew to vary significantly from the phonology of the language. The spelling of words often diverges significantly from the way they are spoken. Unlike most other Germanic languages, English is virtually no diacritics except abroad loanwords (as the acute accent in cafes), and rare use of an umlaut mark (often in a formal setting writing) to indicate that two vowels are pronounced separately, rather than as a sound (eg naive, Zoë). It is almost always acceptable to leave marks, especially in digital communications where the lack of any marked QWERTY keyboard letters, but it depends on the context in which the word is used. Some English words keep the diacritics to distinguish them from others, as lively presentation, lamé, öre, øre, pâté, stung, and rose, but they are sometimes also decreased (CV / curriculum vitae is usually specified resume the USA). It is ready words, which sometimes use a diacritic to represent their pronunciation is not the word, as mate, Spanish yerba mate, as a result of the use of french, but they are extremely rare . A version of the language almost universally accepted by the English educated in the world is called formal written English. It is virtually the same form, no matter where in the English-speaking world, it is written. In spoken English, against, there are many differences between dialects, accents, and varieties of slang, familiar and regional expressions. Despite this, local variations in the written version of the language are quite limited, being restricted largely to the spelling differences between British and American English. To make English easier to read, there are simplified versions of the language. A basic version is the English name basis, a language built with a small number of words created by Charles Kay Ogden and described in his book Basic English: a general introduction to the provisions of the articles and grammar (1930). The language is based on a simplified version of English. Ogden said he needed seven years to learn English, seven months for Esperanto, and seven weeks for English as a basis comparable to Ido. Thus basic English is used by companies who need to make complex books for international use, and language schools who need to give people some knowledge of English in a short period of time. Ogden did not put the words in English base that can be said with a few other words, and he worked to make the words work for speakers of any other language. He put his series of words by a large number of tests and adjustments. He also made the simple grammar, but tried to keep the grammar normal for English users. Another version, simplified English, exists, which is a controlled language originally developed for aerospace maintenance manuals. It offers a limited attention and standardized under English. Simplified English has a vocabulary of words and approved these words may be used in certain ways. For example, the word close can be used in the phrase "Close the door" but not "do not go near the landing gear." ^ Speaks Census 2006, Statistics New Zealand. No figure was given for the number of native speakers, but it would be somewhere between the number of people who spoke English only (3008058) and the total number of English speakers (3673623), if we do not take into account 197187 people who have not provided an answer usable. ^ For the distinction between "English" and "The English users," please see: India-TESOL (Teachers of English to speakers of other languages)], India: World's Largest second country anglophone. Their article explains the difference between the 350 million number indicated in a previous version of this article in Wikipedia and a more plausible 90 million: "Wikipedia India estimate of 350 million into two categories -" English "and" The English users ". Distinction between stakeholders and users is that users are able to read English words while reading spoke English, understand English spoken as well as create their own phrases to converse in English. The distinction becomes clear if one considers the number China. China has more than 200 ~ 350 million users who can read English words, but as everyone can see it in the streets of China, only handful of millions who are English "."
Hello pot this is kettle asylum forums
Many stories date the first use of hello (with that spelling) to around the time of the invention of the telephone in 1876. It was, however, used in print in Roughing It by Mark Twain in 1872 (written between 1870 and 1871),[2] so its first use must have predated the telephone: Hello may also be derived from Hullo. Hullo was in use before hello and was used as a greeting and also an expression of surprise. Charles Dickens uses it in Chapter 8 of Oliver Twist in 1838 when Oliver meets the Artful Dodger: Students learning a new computer programming language will often begin by writing a "Hello, world!" program, which outputs that greeting to a display screen or printer. The widespread use of this tradition arose from an introductory chapter of the book The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie, which reused the following example taken from earlier memos by Brian Kernighan at Bell Labs:
Hello pot this is kettle asylum forums
The Destitute Asylum was an institution established in the colony of South Australia in the 1840s to house deserted and destitute men, women and children not able to support themselves.[1] Low employment prospects, poor conditions in the sleeping quarters and the adjoining workhouse and few hopes of finding a husband or some means of support made for a terrible and prolonged experience behind the walls of the asylum.